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Main page / News & Events / Ukraine news / Kherson: 11 new houses of accessible habitation

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Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 499
Area of lot land: 119 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1511
Area of lot land: 234 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1979
Area of lot land: 300 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 596
Area of lot land: 80 Ha

Kherson: 11 new houses of accessible habitation


Kherson: 11 new houses of accessible habitation


Within the framework of the program of building of accessible habitation, developed and ratified in 2007, in the Kherson area it is planned to put into an operation orientation 40 thousands of square meters of habitation.

During 2008-2012 in cities Kakhovka, New Kakhovka and Skadovsk will build nine 100-apartment and two 50-housings dwellings at home. The chief of management of town-planning of А.ЧМУТ reported that local authorities are already begin practical work on taking of lot lands and entering into contracts with investors-contractors.

In particular, in town Kakhovka lot lands are taken for building of accessible habitation by an area 40 hectares. Soon to implementation of the program will join also and city Tsyurupinsk.

As for Kherson,, as participants of meeting marked, building program here so far did not find accessible habitation the proper review at city authority. In a regional center continue to build, mainly, dear commercial habitation.  Public advice at OGA voted for the dispatch of query the Kherson city executive committee in relation to implementation in town of the program "Building of habitation for the of scanty means layers of population" in a regional center.

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