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Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 499
Area of lot land: 119 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1511
Area of lot land: 234 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1979
Area of lot land: 300 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 596
Area of lot land: 80 Ha

Reconstruction to be Done on the Andreevskiy Descent


Reconstruction to be Done on the Andreevskiy Descent


The Kyiv authorities say they would like to keep the Andreevskiy descent as the prominent historical and cultural place of the world level and to restore all these buildings and houses as it had been initially. The working out of technical conditions should be finished this year and the contest for project working out will be announced.

But it will be approved only after adjustment with the residents during the public hearings, assures the first deputy head of the Kyiv city state administration Denis Bass. Reconstruction should start the next week because there is need to provide financing in the city budget for it.

Investors’ means will be attracted also. Besides, before start of restoration there is need to law on water supply, sewerage system, heating systems, cable systems. After it authentic pavement will be renewed.

Restoration on the Andreeevskiy descent had not been held since 1980 – since celebration of 1500th anniversary of Kyiv. Since that time many architectural changes were done without any adjustments. Infringers will be obliged to restore historical sight of the houses and to draw up the documents.

The source: MIGnews.com.ua