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“Arsenal” to Build Football Complex of XXI Century.


“Arsenal” to Build Football Complex of XXI Century.


“Arsenal” football club authorities have held a meeting with the constructing companies today. They have discussed construction of modern football complex for “Arsenal”.

The French companies offered “Arsenal” absolutely unique complex. This construction becomes of current importance in accordance with holding the final of Championship of Europe in football in 2012 in Ukraine.

“Arsenal” authorities say it is too early to make forecasts. But currently all other proposals are turned down because “Arsenal” authorities have considered proposal of the French is interesting.
The French officials offer to build a big domelike building as a football ball with the special training complexes, conference-halls and methodic rooms.

This offer is interesting also because the Frenchmen promise to build football complex the nearest time – in half a year.

“Arsenal” authorities will leave for France tomorrow in order to continue holding the negotiations and to observe what this company offers to do and what it has been already done. They will return into Ukraine together with structural designers and will meet with people who answer for Euro-2012.

The source: MIGnews.com.ua